29 Mar 2018
Inspired by Software Carpentry this session is designed to help new programmers and coders become more familiar with Unix and using the shell. Mesfin Diro will be leading us through navigating files, making directories, creating files, using pipes, and making filters.
26 Mar 2018
Inspired by Data Carpentry this session is designed to help new programmers
and coders become more familiar with Data cleaning with Openrefine and data analysis using the R. Mesfin Diro will be leading us through navigating files, making directories, creating files, using pipes, and making filters.
Instructor Training Event
21 Feb 2018
Software Carpentry was founded in 1998 and Data Carpentry
was founded in 2013 as international non-profit organization that runs short workshops (2 days workshops) to teach researchers
fundamental concepts of research analysis and computing. Each Carpentry community had several parts, which function together to spread data and computational skills among researchers and other professional wordwide. Now, Carpentry steering committees have approved to work under a single umbrella organization named The Carpentries with associated lesson organizations starting from January 1, 2018.