Data Formats in Environmental Sciences


Teaching: 0 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • What are the most common data formats in Environmental Sciences?

  • raster vs vector formats?

  • What are the most common python packages to read/write netCDF, HDF, GeoTIFF data files?

  • Learn to recognize the some of the most common data formats in the Environmental sciences.

  • Learn to open, read and write geoTIFF, netCDF and HDF files

This lesson is based on the Data Carpentry lesson Geospatial Data Formats.

Types of Spatial Data

Spatial data are represented in many different ways and are stored in different file formats. In this tutorial, we will focus on the two types of spatial data: raster and vector data.

raster data formats

Raster or “gridded” data are saved on a uniform grid and rendered on a map as pixels. Each pixel contains a value that represents an area on the Earth’s surface.

raster concept

Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

There are many different raster data file formats. In this lesson, we will focus on the

  1. netCDF data format
  2. HDF data format
  3. GeoTIFF data format


NetCDF (network Common Data Form) is a:

data format standard for exchanging scientific data.

Self-describing? Portable? Scalable? Appendable? Sharable? Archivable?
Information describing the data contents of the file are embedded within the data file itself. This means that there is a header which describes the layout of the rest of the file, in particular the data arrays, as well as arbitrary file metadata in the form of name/value attributes. A NetCDF file is machine-independent i.e. it can be accessed by computers with different ways of storing integers, characters, and floating-point numbers.For instance, issues such as endianness being addressed in the software libraries. A small subset of a large dataset may be accessed efficiently. Data may be appended to a properly structured NetCDF file without copying the dataset or redefining its structure. One writer and multiple readers may simultaneously access the same NetCDF file. Access to all earlier forms of NetCDF data will be supported by current and future versions of the software.

The netCDF project homepage is hosted by the Unidata program at the University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR).

As all self-describing data formats, netCDF includes a standard API (Application program interface) and portable data access libraries in a variety of languages, including python. There are netCDF tools that can open and work with arbitrary netCDF files, using the embedded descriptions to interpret the data.

What does it really mean when we say that a netCDF file is self-describing? Let’s find out with an example “”. If you do not have downloaded the metos_python data for this lesson, please see the setup instructions).

In this example, we will be looking at the metadataof a netCDF file. For this we open the netCDF file with the netCDF4 python package you were asked to install.

import xarray as xr
nc_f = ''  # Your filename
nc_fid = xr.open_dataset(nc_f)               
Dimensions:    (expver: 2, latitude: 721, longitude: 1440, time: 506)
  * longitude  (longitude) float32 0.0 0.25 0.5 0.75 ... 359.0 359.2 359.5 359.8
  * latitude   (latitude) float32 90.0 89.75 89.5 89.25 ... -89.5 -89.75 -90.0
  * expver     (expver) int32 1 5
  * time       (time) datetime64[ns] 1979-01-01 1979-02-01 ... 2021-02-01
Data variables:
    u10        (time, expver, latitude, longitude) float32 ...
    Conventions:  CF-1.6
    history:      2021-03-09 15:11:30 GMT by grib_to_netcdf-2.16.0: /opt/ecmw...

Check a netCDF file?

Most of the time, netCDF filename extensions are either .nc or .nc4. However, it is not a mandatory requirement so it is useful to learn to check if a file is a netCDF file:

$ file NetCDF Data Format data

file is a bash shell command and is not a netCDF utility. You can use it for any kind of files and it attempts torecognize its data format.

netCDF and python?

The most common low-level python packages to handle netcdf is called netcdf4 python package. The functionalities covered by this python package are close to those covered by Unidata netCDF library.

Start a new jupyter notebook and enter:

import netCDF4

Creating netCDF files

All of the following code examples assume that the netcdf4-python library has been imported:

import netCDF4

Then 4 following steps:

  1. Dataset and Files
  2. Dimensions
  3. Variables
  4. Writing and Retrieving data

Create an empty netCDF4 dataset and store it on disk

foo = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'w')

Then you should find a new file called “” in your working directory:


The Dataset constructor defaults to creating NETCDF4 format objects. Other formats may be specified with the format keyword argument (see the netCDF4-python docs).

The first argument that Dataset takes is the path and name of the netCDF4 file that will be created, updated, or read. The second argument is the mode with which to access the file. Use:


Create dimensions on a dataset with the createDimension() method. We first create a new netCDF file but this time we don’t close it immediately and create 3 dimensions:

import netCDF4
f = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'w')
f.createDimension('time', None)
f.createDimension('z', 3)
f.createDimension('y', 4)
f.createDimension('x', 5)

The first dimension is called time with unlimited size (i.e. variable values may be appended along the this dimension). Unlimited size dimensions must be declared before (“to the left of”) other dimensions. We usually use only a single unlimited size dimension that is used for time.

The other 3 dimensions are spatial dimensions with sizes of 3, 4, and 5, respectively.

The recommended maximum number of dimensions is 4. The recommended order of dimensions is time, z, y, x. Not all datasets are required to have all 4 dimensions.


Create variables on a dataset with the createVariable() method, for example:

lats = f.createVariable('lat', float, ('y', ), zlib=True)
lons = f.createVariable('lon', float, ('x', ), zlib=True)
orography = f.createVariable('orog', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True, least_significant_digit=1, fill_value=0)

The first argument to createVariable() is the variable name.

The second argument is the variable type. There are many way of specifying type, but Python built-in types work well in the absence of specific requirements.

The third argument is a tuple of previously defined dimension names. As noted above,

The recommended maximum number of dimensions is 4 The recommended order of dimensions is t, z, y, x Not all variables are required to have all 4 dimensions All variables should be created with the zlib=True argument to enable data compression within the netCDF4 file.

When appropriate, the least_significant_digit argument should be used to improve compression and storage efficiency by quantizing the variable data to the specified precision. In the example above the orography data will be quantized such that a precision of 0.1 is retained.

When appropriate, the fill_value argument can be used to specify the value that the variable gets filled with before any data is written to it. Doing so overrides the default netCDF _FillValue (which depends on the type of the variable). If fill_value is set to False, then the variable is not pre-filled.

In the example above the orography data will be initialized to zero, the appropriate value for grid points that are over ocean.

Writing and Retrieving Data

Writing Data

Variable data in netCDF4 datasets are stored in NumPy array or masked array objects.

An appropriately sized and shaped NumPy array can be loaded into a dataset variable by assigning it to a slice that span the variable:

import netCDF4
import numpy as np

f = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'w')
f.createDimension('time', None)
f.createDimension('z', 3)
f.createDimension('y', 4)
f.createDimension('x', 5)
lats = f.createVariable('lat', float, ('y', ), zlib=True)
lons = f.createVariable('lon', float, ('x', ), zlib=True)
orography = f.createVariable('orog', float, ('y', 'x'), zlib=True, least_significant_digit=1, fill_value=0)
# create latitude and longitude 1D arrays
lat_out  = [60, 65, 70, 75]
lon_out  = [ 30,  60,  90, 120, 150]
# Create field values for orography
data_out = np.arange(4*5) # 1d array but with dimension x*y
data_out.shape = (4,5)    # reshape to 2d array
orography[:] = data_out
lats[:] = lat_out
lons[:] = lon_out
# close file to write on disk

We defined a one-dimensional array data_out and reshape it to a 2 dimensional array and then store it in the orography netCDF variable.

Let’s have look to the netCDF file we generated and in particular its metadata:

import netCDF4
f = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r')
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset'>
root group (NETCDF4 data model, file format HDF5):
    dimensions(sizes): time(0), z(3), y(4), x(5)
    variables(dimensions): float64 lat(y), float64 lon(x), float64 orog(y,x)

Understand netCDF file

Check the file:

  1. What is the first value of the orog variable?
  2. What is the missing value for lat and lon variables?


  1. The first value of orog is 0 but it appears as “_” which corresponds to a missing value (also called filled value). When we defined orog variable, we set its filled/missing value to 0. Therefore, every occurence of 0 will be flagged as a missing value.
  2. We haven’t specified any filled values for lat and lon so default missing values are set by default, depending on the type of variable; here lat and lon were defined as float so the default missing value is 9.969209968386869e+36. You can check the netCDF4 default filled values: netCDF4.default_fillvals
Retrieve Data

Let’s first read the file we previously generated:

import netCDF4
import numpy as np

f = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r')
lats = f.variables['lat']
lons = f.variables['lon']
orography = f.variables['orog']

lats vs. lats[:]?

  1. What is the type of lats?
  2. What is the difference between lats and lats[:]?


  1. lats is a netCDF variable: ` type(lats) returns: <class ‘netCDF4._netCDF4.Variable’>`

  2. lats is a netCDF variable; a lot more than a simple numpy array while lats[:] allows you to access the latitudes values stored in the lats netCDF variable. lats[:] is a numpy array.

Values can be retrieved using most of the usual NumPy indexing and slicing techniques.

However, there are differences between the NumPy and netCDF variable slicing rules; see the netCDF4-python docs for details.

Now if we only want to access a subset of the variable orog:

import netCDF4
import numpy as np

f = netCDF4.Dataset('', 'r')
lats = f.variables['lat']
lons = f.variables['lon']
orography = f.variables['orog']

Types of netCDF files?

There are four NetCDF format variants according to the Unidata NetCDF FAQ page:

  • the classic format,
  • the 64-bit offset format,
  • the NetCDF-4 format, and
  • the NetCDF-4 classic model format. While this seems to add even more complexity to using NetCDF files, the reality is that unless you are generating NetCDF files, most applications read NetCDF files regardless of type with no issues. This aspect has been abstracted for the general user!

The classic format has its roots in the original version of the NetCDF standard. It is the default for new files.

The 64-bit offset simply allows for larger dataset to be created. Prior to the offset, files would be limited to 2 GB. A 64-bit machine is not required to read a 64-bit file. This point should not be a concern for many users.

The NetCDF-4 format adds many new features related to compression and multiple unlimited dimensions. NetCDF-4 is essentially a special case of the HDF5 file format. netCDF4 is and extension to the classic model often called netCDF3. netCDF4 adds more powerful forms of data representation and data types at the expense of some additional complexity; it is based on HDF and therefore requires the installation of the HDF libraries prior to the installation of netCDF. It you installed netCDF without having HDF libraries on your machine, then you probably only have netCDF3.

The NetCDF-4 classic model format attempts to bridge gaps between the original NetCDF file and NetCDF-4.

Luckily for us, the NetCDF4 Python module handles many of these differences.

CF conventions?

netCDF format is self-describing but very flexible and you still have to decide how to encode your data into the format:

Therefore to simplify developments of tools and speed-up netCDF data processing, metadata standards for netCDF files have been created. The most common in our discipline is the Climate and Forecast metadata standard, also called CF conventions.

The CF conventions have been adopted by the Program for Climate Model Diagnosis and Intercomparison (PCMDI), the Earth System Modeling Framework (ESMF), NCAR, and various EU and international projects.

If you plan to create netCDF files, following CF conventions is recommended. However, if you are curious or encounter data using a different convention, Unidata maintains a list you can use to find out more information.

Let’s have a look at a netCDF file called that follows CF conventions. If you haven’t downloaded this file, see the setup instructions:

import xarray as xr
f = xr.open_dataset("")
Dimensions:    (bnds: 2, lat: 128, lon: 256, plev: 17, time: 1)
  * lat        (lat) float32 -88.93 -87.54 -86.14 -84.74 ... 86.14 87.54 88.93
  * lon        (lon) float32 0.0 1.406 2.812 4.219 ... 354.4 355.8 357.2 358.6
  * plev       (plev) float64 1e+05 9.25e+04 8.5e+04 7e+04 ... 3e+03 2e+03 1e+03
  * time       (time) object 2000-05-16 12:00:00
Dimensions without coordinates: bnds
Data variables:
    area       (lat, lon) float32 ...
    lat_bnds   (lat, bnds) float64 ...
    lon_bnds   (lon, bnds) float64 ...
    msk_rgn    (lat, lon) int32 ...
    pr         (time, lat, lon) float32 ...
    tas        (time, lat, lon) float32 ...
    time_bnds  (time, bnds) object ...
    ua         (time, plev, lat, lon) float32 ...
Attributes: (12/18)
    CVS_Id:              $Id$
    prg_ID:              Source file unknown Version unknown Date unknown
    cmd_ln:              bds -x 256 -y 128 -m 23 -o /data/zender/data/
    history:             Tue Oct 25 15:08:51 2005: ncks -O -x -v va -m sresa1...
    table_id:            Table A1
    ...                  ...
    references:          Collins, W.D., et al., 2005:\n The Community Climate...
    acknowledgment:       Any use of CCSM data should acknowledge the contrib...
    realization:         1
    experiment_id:       720 ppm stabilization experiment (SRESA1B)
    comment:             This simulation was initiated from year 2000 of \n C...
    model_name_english:  NCAR CCSM


Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) is a data file format designed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA).

It is now developed and maintained by the HDF group.

Hierarchical Data Format, commonly abbreviated HDF, HDF4, or HDF5, is a library and multi-object file format for the transfer of graphical and numerical data between computers.

HDF supports several different data models, including multidimensional arrays, raster images, and tables. Each defines a specific aggregate data type and provides an API for reading, writing, and organising the data and metadata. New data models can be added by the HDF developers or users.

HDF is self-describing, allowing an application to interpret the structure and contents of a file without any outside information. One HDF file can hold a mixture of related objects, which can be accessed as a group or as individual objects.

Check an HDF file?

The file (the MISR Level 3 Land products May 2007) we will be using has been downloaded at You first need to register (free registration) to download data from this link and for this tutorial, we have included a copy in the tutorial dataset.

$ file MISR_AM1_CGLS_MAY_2007_F04_0031.hdf
MISR_AM1_CGLS_MAY_2007_F04_0031.hdf: Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) data

Note that in addition it gives some information on the version (4). The HDF version may be important as we will explain later in this lesson.

HDF data files and python?

If you are using python anaconda, HDF files can be accessed in python using the netCDF4 python package, exactly as netCDF files. The reason is that netCDF files (netCDF4) is based on HDF5. pyhdf is also a very well know python package used to access HDF files. However, in this lesson we will only show how to handle HDF files with netCDF4 python package.

Let’s first look at MISR_AM1_CGLS_MAY_2007_F04_0031.hdf and gets metadata:

import xarray as xr
print("Metadata for the dataset:")
print("List of available variables (or key): ")
print("Metadata for 'NDVI average' variable: ")
f.variables["NDVI average"]

Quick visualization with Python

We will see later how to customize our plots and make geographical maps but for now we just want to get a quick overview of our data with python using imshow from the matplotlib package.

%matplotlib inline
import xarray as xr
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

data=f.variables['NDVI average'][:]

NDVI average May 2007 (MISR Level 3 Land products)

We are using matplotlib, the most common 2D plotting python package. Many other plotting python packages make use of matplotlib and offer to users higher-level user interface. This is why it is always useful to know about matplotlib.

Types of HDF files?

There are two versions of HDF technologies that are completely different: HDF4 and HDF5. HDF4 is the first HDF format. The HDF5 Format is completely different from HDF4 and different libraries are required to read/write these two different formats. Hopefully, the NetCDF4 Python module handles many of these differences. Nowadays, when we refer to HDF files, we often mean HDF5 data files.

EOS Conventions?

HDF-EOS is an extension of HDF4. On December 18, 1999, NASA and its international partners launched Terra, the first of the Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites planned for NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) program. Although HDF meets many NASA specifications for accessing data, EOS applications required additional conventions and data types, which led to the development of HDF-EOS based on HDF4.

Tools for handling HDF-EOS can be found at the HDF-EOS Tools and Information Centre.

In 2007, HDF-EOS5 Data Model File Format became an approved standard recommended for use in NASA Earth Science Data Systems. As for HDF-EOS, it is an extension of HDF but it is now based on HDF5.

HDF4 or HDF5?

The examples used in the following exercises are HDF files downloaded at

  1. What is the type of OMI-Aura_L3-OMTO3e_2017m0105_v003-2017m0203t091906.he5 and AIRS.2002.08.30.227.L2.RetStd_H.v6.0.12.0.G14101125810.hdf?


  1. OMI-Aura_L3-OMTO3e_2017m0105_v003-2017m0203t091906.he5 is an HDF5 file and more precisely HDF-EOS5 while AIRS.2002.08.30.227.L2.RetStd_H.v6.0.12.0.G14101125810.hdf is and HDF4 file. You can check either using the file command or in python:
    import xarray as xr
    f = xr.open_dataset('data/OMI-Aura_L3-OMTO3e_2017m0105_v003-2017m0203t091906.he5')
<class 'netCDF4._netCDF4.Dataset'>
root group (NETCDF4 data model, file format HDF5):
file AIRS.2002.08.30.227.L2.RetStd_H.v6.0.12.0.G14101125810.hdf
AIRS.2002.08.30.227.L2.RetStd_H.v6.0.12.0.G14101125810.hdf: Hierarchical Data Format (version 4) data

Quick plot with imshow

The examples used in the following exercises are HDF files downloaded at

  1. Write a python program using imshow to visualize the 2D variable ColumnAmountO3 from OMI-Aura_L3-OMTO3e_2017m0105_v003-2017m0203t091906.he5?
  2. Do the same for the variable called topog for AIRS.2002.08.30.227.L2.RetStd_H.v6.0.12.0.G14101125810.hdf?


  1. %matplotlib inline
    from netCDF4 import Dataset
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    f = Dataset('data/OMI-Aura_L3-OMTO3e_2017m0105_v003-2017m0203t091906.he5')
    data = f.groups['HDFEOS'].groups['GRIDS'].groups['OMI Column Amount O3'].groups['Data Fields'].variables['ColumnAmountO3']

raster concept


%matplotlib inline
import xarray as xr
f = xr.open_dataset('AIRS.2002.08.30.227.L2.RetStd_H.v6.0.12.0.G14101125810.hdf')
data = f.variables['topog']

raster concept


TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) is a raster file format for digital images, created by Aldus Corporation (merged later with Adobe) widely used for raster imagery and aerial photoraphy.

A GeoTIFF file is a georeferenced TIFF, which means it can have geographic information such as map projections embedded within the header file of the TIFF itself.

This means that a GIS application can position the image in the correct location.

Strictly speaking, GeoTIFF is a metadata format, but the TIFF format enables both the data and metadata to exist in the same file.

GeoTIFFs are commonly used for a range of raster data, including:

GeoTIFFs are also often supported by GPS units.

Let’s take an example; a GeoTIFF MODIS image showing Southern Norway and Sweden (date: 16/08/2017) with True Color:

MODIS Aqua 1km over Southern Norway and Sweden

Source: MODIS Aqua 1km over Southern Norway and Sweden

We cannot use netCDF4 python package to read/write GeoTIFF data files but we can use the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library (GDAL) tools and library to inspect this file. This additional package needs to be installed (see setup instructions). This library is very powerful and can read/write most raster data formats, including netCDF and HDF. It means that the example we will be given for reading GeoTIFF files can also be applied to read the netCDF and HDF files we used in this lesson. See the list of data formats GDAL can handle here.

from osgeo import gdal
datafile = gdal.Open('metos_python/data/Southern_Norway_and_Sweden.2017229.terra.1km.tif')
print( "Driver: ",datafile.GetDriver().ShortName, datafile.GetDriver().LongName)
print( "Size is ", datafile.RasterXSize, datafile.RasterYSize)
print( "Bands = ", datafile.RasterCount)
print( "Coordinate System is:", datafile.GetProjectionRef ())
print( "GetGeoTransform() = ", datafile.GetGeoTransform ())
print( "GetMetadata() = ", datafile.GetMetadata ())
Driver:  GTiff GeoTIFF
Size is  910 796
Bands =  3
Coordinate System is: GEOGCS["WGS 84",DATUM["WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,AUTHORITY["EPSG","7030"]],AUTHORITY["EPSG","6326"]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433],AUTHORITY["EPSG","4326"]]
GetGeoTransform() =  (4.0, 0.017582417582417617, 0.0, 62.0, 0.0, -0.008793969849246248)
GetMetadata() =  {'AREA_OR_POINT': 'Area', 'TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE': 'ppm2geotiff v0.0.9'}

On Linux or Mac OSX, you can also use gdalinfo command line to get similar information:

gdalinfo metos_python/data/Southern_Norway_and_Sweden.2017229.terra.1km.tif
Driver: GTiff/GeoTIFF
Files: Southern_Norway_and_Sweden.2017229.terra.1km.tif
Size is 910, 796
Coordinate System is:
        SPHEROID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
Origin = (4.000000000000000,62.000000000000000)
Pixel Size = (0.017582417582418,-0.008793969849246)
  TIFFTAG_SOFTWARE=ppm2geotiff v0.0.9
Image Structure Metadata:
Corner Coordinates:
Upper Left  (   4.0000000,  62.0000000) (  4d 0' 0.00"E, 62d 0' 0.00"N)
Lower Left  (   4.0000000,  55.0000000) (  4d 0' 0.00"E, 55d 0' 0.00"N)
Upper Right (  20.0000000,  62.0000000) ( 20d 0' 0.00"E, 62d 0' 0.00"N)
Lower Right (  20.0000000,  55.0000000) ( 20d 0' 0.00"E, 55d 0' 0.00"N)
Center      (  12.0000000,  58.5000000) ( 12d 0' 0.00"E, 58d30' 0.00"N)
Band 1 Block=910x3 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Red
Band 2 Block=910x3 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Green
Band 3 Block=910x3 Type=Byte, ColorInterp=Blue

This GeoTIFF file contains 3 bands (Red, Green and Blue), so we can extract each band and visualize one band with imshow:

bnd1 = datafile.GetRasterBand(1).ReadAsArray()
bnd2 = datafile.GetRasterBand(2).ReadAsArray()
bnd3 = datafile.GetRasterBand(3).ReadAsArray()


raster concept

To visualize our 3 bands as an RGB image, we need to stack the 3 indivual arrays into one image:

print(type(bnd1), bnd1.shape)
print(type(bnd2), bnd3.shape)
print(type(bnd3), bnd3.shape)
img = np.dstack((bnd1,bnd2,bnd3))
print(type(img), img.shape)

raster concept

vector data formats

Vector data are very common and efficient geospatial formats and are often used to store things like road and plot locations, boundaries of states, countries and lakes.

Vector data are composed of discrete geometric locations (x,y values) known as vertices that define the “shape” of the spatial object. The organization of the vertices determines the type of vector that we are working with: point, line or polygon, etc.

raster concept

Source: National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

Some vector data formats can also include multipolygons (include several polygons) such as GeoJSON data format.


The most ubiquitous vector format is the ESRI shapefile. Geospatial Software company ESRI released the shapefile format specification as an open format in 1998. It was initially developed for their ArcView software but it became quickly an unofficial GIS standard.

Let’s take an example (downloaded from

ls Norway_places
A-README.TXT  places.dbf  places.prj  places.shp  places.shx

When working with shapefiles, it is important to remember that a shapefile consists of 3 (or more) files:

These files need to have the same name and to be stored in the same directory (folder) to open properly in a GIS, R or Python tool.

Sometimes, a shapefile will have other associated files including:

Examine shapefile with python

from osgeo import ogr
shapedata = ogr.Open('Norway_places')

Type shapedata. and press TAB to see what you can do.

shapedata.CopyLayer            shapedata.Reference            shapedata.__len__
shapedata.CreateLayer          shapedata.Release              shapedata.__module__
shapedata.DeleteLayer          shapedata.ReleaseResultSet     shapedata.__new__
shapedata.Dereference          shapedata.TestCapability       shapedata.__reduce__
shapedata.Destroy              shapedata.__class__            shapedata.__reduce_ex__
shapedata.ExecuteSQL           shapedata.__del__              shapedata.__repr__
shapedata.GetDriver            shapedata.__delattr__          shapedata.__setattr__
shapedata.GetLayer             shapedata.__dict__             shapedata.__str__
shapedata.GetLayerByIndex      shapedata.__doc__              shapedata.__swig_destroy__
shapedata.GetLayerByName       shapedata.__getattr__          shapedata.__swig_getmethods__
shapedata.GetLayerCount        shapedata.__getattribute__     shapedata.__swig_setmethods__
shapedata.GetName              shapedata.__getitem__          shapedata.__weakref__
shapedata.GetRefCount          shapedata.__hash__   
shapedata.GetSummaryRefCount   shapedata.__init__             shapedata.this

For instance, to get the number of layers:


Data Tip:

A shapefile will only contain one type of vector data: points, lines or polygons.

Then get the first layer and all the points from this layer, with feature “NAME” and the coordinates of each location:

layer = shapedata.GetLayer()
places_norway = []
for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
    name = feature.GetField("NAME")
    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
    places_norway.append([i,name,geometry.GetGeometryName(), geometry.Centroid().ExportToWkt()])

[[0, 'Gol', 'POINT', 'POINT (8.9436636 60.7016106)'], [1, 'Halhjem', 'POINT', 'POINT (5.4263602 60.1455207)'], [2, 'Tromsø', 'POINT', 'POINT (18.9517967 69.6669861)'], [3, 'Oslo', 'POINT', 'POINT (10.7391223 59.913263)'], [4, 'Narvik', 'POINT', 'POINT (17.426652 68.4396792)'], [5, 'Bergen', 'POINT', 'POINT (5.3289029 60.3934769)'], [6, 'Hamna', 'POINT', 'POINT (18.9827839 69.7031209)'], [7, 'Stakkevollan', 'POINT', 'POINT (19.0031056 69.6937324)'], [8, 'Storslett', 'POINT', 'POINT (21.0301562 69.7694272)'], [9, 'Kvaløysletta', 'POINT', 'POINT (18.8708572 69.6953085)']]


To get the coordinates of each location in a readable manner, we exported it to WKT (Well-Known Text) format which is now part of ISO/IEC 13249-3:2016 standard. Well-known text (WKT) is a text markup language for representing vector geometry objects on a map, spatial reference systems of spatial objects and transformations between spatial reference systems. We won’t discuss more about this format in this lesson and use it only for printing information from our shapefile.

In our previous example, we could call geometry.GetPoint() directly and get the very same information because our shapefile contains points only. Using the method Centroid() with polygons or lines would return a point only representing the centroids of the polygons or lines.

Shapefile with Points

We can then plot these locations on a map; as there were too many locations, we only plot locations of type city:

%matplotlib inline
from osgeo import ogr
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,15])  # a new figure window
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)  # specify (nrows, ncols, axnum)
ax.set_title('Cities in Norway', fontsize=14)

map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-1.0,urcrnrlon=40.,llcrnrlat=55.,urcrnrlat=75.,
             resolution='i', projection='lcc', lat_1=65., lon_0=5.)


shapedata = ogr.Open('Norway_places')
layer = shapedata.GetLayer()
for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
    name = feature.GetField("NAME")
    type = feature.GetField("TYPE")
    if type == 'city':
        geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
        lon = geometry.GetPoint()[0]
        lat = geometry.GetPoint()[1]
        x,y = map(lon,lat)
        map.plot(x, y, marker=marker, color='red', markersize=8, markeredgewidth=2)
        ax.annotate(name, (x, y), color='blue', fontsize=14)

vector plot

We do not explain here in details how we made this plot because this the purpose of the next lesson!

Shapefile with linestring

A shapefile with lines is very similar to a shapefile with points because each linestring is made of a set of points:

%matplotlib inline
shapedata = ogr.Open('Norway_railways')
nblayer = shapedata.GetLayerCount()
print("Number of layers: ", nblayer)
layer = shapedata.GetLayer()
railways_norway = []
for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
    name = feature.GetField("NAME")
    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
    railways_norway.append([i,name,geometry.GetGeometryName(), geometry.GetPoints()])


To visualize it:

vector plot

%matplotlib inline
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,15])  # a new figure window
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)  # specify (nrows, ncols, axnum)

map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-1.0,urcrnrlon=40.,llcrnrlat=55.,urcrnrlat=75.,
             resolution='i', projection='lcc', lat_1=65., lon_0=5.)


norway_roads= map.readshapefile('Norway_roads/roads', 'roads')

Filter by attributes

 In the preceding example, we extracted all the locations from `Norway_places` and then made a plot for big cities only. 
 For this selection, we used a simple `if` statement. In this exercise, we show how to better filter by attributes.

 Use the preceding example to access information from `Norway_roads` but only for `Stolmakergata`. For instance, 
 use SetAttributeFilter and GetNexFeature to pick-up `stolmakergata` only.


We used SetAttributeFilter and GetNexFeature to select stolmakergata:

layer = shapedata.GetLayer()
layer.SetAttributeFilter("NAME = 'Stolmakergata'")
detail = layer.GetNextFeature()
geometry = detail.GetGeometryRef()
print("Type of geometry: ", geometry.GetGeometryName())
# go through each points of the line.
for i in range(geometry.GetPointCount()):
    xy = geometry.GetPoint(i)

Shapefile with polygons

The image below shows a plot of a shapefile containing polygons:

vector plot

  The python code to make this plot is given below for information only. Plotting of shapefiles
  will be discussed in the next lesson.
%matplotlib inline
from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
fig = plt.figure(figsize=[12,15])  # a new figure window
ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)      # specify (nrows, ncols, axnum)
map = Basemap(llcrnrlon=-1.0,urcrnrlon=40.,llcrnrlat=55.,urcrnrlat=75.,
              resolution='i', projection='lcc', lat_1=65., lon_0=5.)

norway_natural= map.readshapefile('Norway_natural/natural', 'natural')

Explore Shapefile with polygons

 Use the preceding example to access information from `Norway_natural`. 
 You have to dig one level deeper and access the geometry contained within the polygon geometry. 
 The reason is that a polygon can have 'holes'. So the first polygon is what we call the outer rings
 and the other polygons are 'holes'
 Then the polygon information is stored as a line (set of points) so you can access each point
 of the polygon.


There is not one solution to this question but here is one way to do it:

layer = shapedata.GetLayer()
layer.SetAttributeFilter("NAME = 'Grasdalsvatnet'")
detail = layer.GetNextFeature()
geometry = detail.GetGeometryRef()
print("Type of geometry: ", geometry.GetGeometryName())
print("Number of 'rings': ", geometry.GetGeometryCount())
# Get the coordinates of the whole line                   
line = geometry.GetGeometryRef(0)
# all points in the line
for i in range(line.GetPointCount()):
    xy = line.GetPoint(i)

polygons versus multi-polygons:

  • polygons can have ‘holes’ as shown on the figure below:

raster concept

  • but we can also have multi-polygons; and some of them with holes too!

raster concept


GeoJSON is an open standard format designed for representing simple geographical features, along with their non-spatial attributes, based on JavaScript Object Notation. For the full specifications of this standard, refer to RFC 7946.

This section is based on the GeoJSON documentation provided by Tom MacWright.

Handling GeoJSON in python is very similar to handling shapefiles and we can for instance use the same gdal ogr python package. However, before using python, let’s look at a simple GeoJSON file.

You can use your favourite editor to inspect the content of a simple GeoJSON file as it is a “text” file. It has some advantages (portable and readable on any machines) but as you will see when working with GeoJSON files, they can become very quickly too big compared to any binary counterpart.

Let’s look at

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-118.17, 34.03]
      "properties": {
        "name": "East Los Angeles CA",
        "country.etc": "CA",
        "pop": " 125121",
        "capital": "0"

GeoJSON supports the following geometry types:

Geometric objects with additional properties are Feature objects. Sets of features are contained by FeatureCollection objects.

To read the preceding file la_city.geoson in python, we can use gdal ogr and it is very similar to what we did when reading shapefiles:

from osgeo import ogr
la = ogr.Open('la_city.geojson')
nblayer = la.GetLayerCount()
print("Number of layers: ", nblayer)
layer = la.GetLayer()
cities_us = []
for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
    name = feature.GetField("NAME")
    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
    cities_us.append([i,name,geometry.GetGeometryName(), geometry.GetPoints()])


It can of course become cumbersome with complex GeoJSON file containing MultiPolygons, MultiLineStrings, etc. but the principle remains the same. Let’s take another example:

Source: Grensedata Norge WGS84 Adm enheter geoJSON downloaded from kartverket; registration is free for open data access

from osgeo import ogr
shapedata = ogr.Open('no-all-all.geojson')
nblayer = shapedata.GetLayerCount()
print("Number of layers: ", nblayer)
layer = shapedata.GetLayer()
county_norway = []
for i in range(layer.GetFeatureCount()):
    feature = layer.GetFeature(i)
    name = feature.GetField("NAVN")
    geometry = feature.GetGeometryRef()
    county_norway.append([i,name,geometry.GetGeometryName(), geometry.Centroid().GetPoint()])

We will see more about GeoJSON when we discuss interctive visualization and publishing on the web.

Key Points

  • raster formats: GeoTIFF, netCDF, HDF data formats

  • vector formats: shapefile, GeoJSON data format