What’s is Python
About Python
05 Feb 2018Python is a general purpose programming language conceived in 1989 by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum.It is free and open source, with development coordinated through the Python Software Foundation experienced rapid adoption in the last decade, and is now one of the most popular programming languages. It has a relatively small core language supported by many libraries. Other features:
- A multiparadigm language, in that multiple programming styles are supported (procedural, object-oriented, functional, etc.)
- Interpreted rather than compiled
Since Python is a high level language used in almost all application domains:
- web development
- CGI and graphical user interfaces
- games
- multimedia, data processing, security, etc.
Python is Used extensively by Internet service and high tech companies and scientific community such as:
- Dropbox
- YouTube
- Walt Disney Animation
- academia
- Wall St. etc.
The following chart, produced using Stack Overflow Trends, shows one measure of the relative popularity of Python
The figure indicates not only that Python is widely used but also that adoption of Python has accelerated significantly since 2012
We suspect this is driven at least in part by uptake in the scientific domain, particularly in rapidly growing fields like data science
For example, the popularity of pandas, a library for data analysis with Python has exploded, as seen here.